Port de Macinaggio - Cap Corse Capicorsu
20248 Macinaggio, Rogliano, France



Macinaggio, which takes its name from its windmills, is the largest port of Cap Corse. He is very active since antiquity, the Romans used it as a military port. Seizing the wind of 70 years, when the state or encouraged the creation of marinas, Macinaggio planted its flag on top of the cap.
Translations by
Traduction/Translation: Google Translate
Contact Tel: +33 (0)4 95 35 42 57
Fax: +33 (0)4 95 35 47 00
@: port.macinaggio@orange.fr
Website: https://www.commune-rogliano.fr


Capitainerie - Port de Plaisance de Macinaggio - Cap Corse Capicorsu

Escale Nautique

Macinaggio, Escale du Cap Corse face l'Archipel Toscan
Traduction/Translation: Google TranslatePort Paul Luigi - Port de plaisance de MACINAGGIO
Accueil :
Horaires d'ouverture :

- Novembre à fin Mars : 8h-12h/14h-17h du Lundi au Samedi Matin,
- Avril, Mai, Juin et Septembre : 8h-12h/14h-19h du Lundi au Samedi,
- Octobre : 8h-12h/14h-18h du Lundi au Samedi
- Juillet et Août : 7h à 21 h Tous les jours.
Langues : Français, Italien, Anglais
Au Nord ILOTS FINOCCHIAROLA - pointe de la COSCIA située au sud de la pointe de la COSCIA

Feux d’entrée
Jetée EST F 2 ébr 6512 M 120 R 218-B 331
Jetée Nord F é - V 65
Régie municipale Commune de Rogliano
Maître de port : Jean Paul CASELLI
- Douche / wc
- Nettoyage Haute Pression
- Vidéo - Surveillance
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Macinaggio - Macinaghju
Cap Corse - Capicorsu

Office de tourisme du Cap Corse
Uffiziu di u turismu di u Capicorsu

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General information General information

General information
Harbour Master: Mr Jean Paul Caselli
Spoken languages: Francais-Anglais-Italien
Opening hours:
Hiver : 8h00 - 12h00 du lundi au vendredi, le samedi 8h00 - 12h00
Ete: non stop de 7h00 - 21h00

Maritime weather (tel): +33 495 350 496
Maritime affairs (tel): +33 495 328 460
Police (tel): +33 495 350 453
VHF Canal: 9

Berthing, mooring & anchoring
Maximum Draught: 3.60m
Maximum Length: 40.00m
Number of basins: 7
Open water docks: 291
Open water pontoons: 252
Location & approach
Distance of neighboring ports
Bastia : 17M
Saint-Florent : 31M
Nice : 108M
Italie : * Genova 86M - * Portoferraio 38M

Approach (day and night)
De jour : 3 pointes à l'arriére du port , plus des éoliennes
De nuit : balise cardinale EST puis feu R à occultations

SHOM map: 6850, 6822
Navicarte: 1004, 1006
Environmental management
Bilge pumpsBilge pumps no
Careening facilityCareening facility yes
Wastewater suctionWastewater suction no
Selective sortingSelective sorting yes
Waste disposal pointWaste disposal point yes
Collected wastes
Solid and liquid toxicsSolid and liquid toxics no
BatteriesBatteries yes
Boat batteriesBoat batteries yes
MetalsMetals yes
Plastic BottlesPlastic Bottles yes
GlassGlass yes
Uncontaminated paper & cardboard Uncontaminated paper & cardboard yes
Distress rocketsDistress rockets no
Waste oil, filtersWaste oil, filters yes
Large volumes and non-toxic wasteLarge volumes and non-toxic waste yes

Technical areas
Travelift: yes
Travelift max. weight: 45t
Crane(s): yes
Crane max. weight: 2t
On port handling: yes
Out port handling: no
Wedge launch: yes
Storage ashore: no

Refueling station
Gasoil: yes
SP98: no
SP95: yes
GPL: no
Opening hours:
Hiver : 9h00 - 12h00 du lundi samedi
Ete: non stop de 7h00 - 20h30

Services to boaters
Wi-Fi access: yes
Wi-Fi rates: gratuit service offert uniquement aux plaisanciers
Victualling: yes
Marine hardware: yes
Accommodation: yes
Car Park: yes
Showers: yes
WC: yes
Laundries: yes
Disabled access: yes
Washing-up basin: no
Electricity on pontoons: yes
Electricity on docks: yes
Water on pontoons: yes
Water on docks: yes

Transports Transports

Balades et Itinéraires Mer & Terre Land & Sea Itineraries

Sur l'eau
A terre

Map of the port

- Longitude: